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21 days of self-love

If you’re ready to invite more presence and peace into your life but aren’t sure where to start, then this e-book is for you! 21 days of suggested self-love practices.

Get your own copy for just $7.

If you’re reading this, you probably already know that when we become mothers, our priorities quickly shift from ourselves to our babies. This is normal, expected, and innate because after all, their survival depends on this motherly instinct.

During this time of new motherhood, we often cast ourselves and our own needs aside. The early days of motherhood can feel lonely, confusing, and exhausting.

I too have stumbled through the darker, lonelier moments of new motherhood. After I had my first son, I began to feel that I was losing myself, that I was different. I soon realized what was happening — I was facing an identity crisis, which is an experience that many new mothers face. I realized that through the fog of postpartum anxiety, overwhelming fatigue, and a never-ending list of responsibilities, I had begun to neglect myself and my own needs.

In the wake of this, I decided to make an effort to rediscover myself, as a person and as a mother, and to love myself again. I wanted to enjoy my life as a mother, as a wife, and as my own person. Thus, 21 Days of Self-Love was born. I vowed to do one thing for myself each day, no matter how big or small. I made a list of activities that I could do every day. After the first week, I began to notice a significant difference in my mood, my temperament, and my overall happiness. After 21 days, I began to see myself through a different, more positive lens. I started to feel like myself again.

Since then, I have completed this 21-day exercise eight times and it has now become an integral part of my everyday routine. By giving some time back to myself, even if it’s only five minutes, I find I am able to be the best version of myself for myself and for my family.

The expressions in this book have helped me to find presence and peace in my busy everyday life, and I hope they will do the same for you.
